About Me:
Katsuki Shirosaka from Ashiya, Hyōgo, Japan, was elected to serve a two-year term as an
international director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 105th International
Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 7 through July 11, 2023.
Director Shirosaka has more than 50 years of experience in the field of real estate and is CEO of
Shoei Holdings Co., Ltd.
He first learned about Lions Clubs through a blood donation service project. Later, he became a
Lion himself in 1993 after joining the Osaka Minato Lions Club. He has held a number of offices
within the association including multiple district GLT area leader for West Japan and has served
as a board appointee for the international board of directors. He is also chairperson for Japan
Lions University.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including
multiple International President’s Awards. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lions activities, Director Shirosaka is active in numerous professional and
community organizations. For his service, he has been honored with the Order of the Rising
Sun— the highest ordinarily conferred order by the Japanese government.
Director Shirosaka and his wife, Kazuko, have three children and seven grandchildren.