About Me:
Masashi Hamano from Saitama, Japan, was elected to serve a two-year term as an international
director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 105th International Convention in
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 7 through July 11, 2023.
Director Hamano is president of Hamano Tokei Gakki Co., Ltd. and has more than 20 years of
professional experience in E-commerce and management.
He first became a Lion in 1998 with the Iwatsuki Lions Club to improve communication and
better understand the needs of the people in his community. Much of his work focused on
supporting the development of children and other youth within the community. He has held a
number of offices within the association including five terms as multiple district GLT
coordinator. He has served multiple times as a DGE seminar group leader, as well as faculty for
multiple LCIP, ALLI and RLLI institutes. Additionally, he has served as faculty for countless
local trainings including leadership, member orientations and other seminars.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including
multiple International President’s Awards, International President’s Leadership Awards and
International President’s Certificates of Appreciation. He is a recipient of the LCIF Chairperson
Medal. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lions activities, Director Hamano is active in numerous professional and
community organizations. He is also director of the Japan Record Shop Association.
Director Hamano and his wife, Ryoko, have one child.